Wow! When I started this venture called US 41, it was with the confidence that there was enough quality local music to make sure that people didn't turn the station off when we showcased a local band. Just from hosting local shows, I figured that with the pool of available bands/musicians, a constant stream of solid music would be available for us to play on the station. What I didn't count on was the number of folks I DIDN'T know about. Those guys/girls that were just getting started, or perhaps never ventured outside their own bedrooms. There literally is no end to the GREAT Southwest Florida music rush as in the last few weeks I've received songs from Today We Sleep, Hotel Life, after//Harley & Roxx Revolt & The Velvets, that are as good, if not BETTER, than anything you'll hear on your local "regular" radio station. Keep it coming! And if there's anything we can do to help you market your bands, let us put our years of experience to work for you.
Thanks for the support for week #1 of the Flower Power Hour with Ken & MJ. Record listening in that timeslot. This week's show features a ton of songs from Joe Cocker's classic album "Mad Dog's & Englishmen," and a look at the career of JJ Cale.. Plus you'll hear music from Free, Yes, Talking Heads, Stevie Ray Vaughan, The Who, Peter Frampton & more.
The Black Keys have a VERY special song in "Wild Child" Airplay in multiple formats, and our #1 song by a long shot this week...Listen for "Wild Child on US 41!! Ricky Howard, a solid #2, and much less hate this week!